Monday, August 10, 2009

Hello, World!

So, here I am, joining the ranks of the virtual elite. I have my own space, my own private little playground to set my thoughts down.

Problem is, I don't have many thoughts to set down, at least not on a set schedule. This blog isn't really "about" anything, though its title sprung from my primary hobby. It's no surprise, then, that the majority of posts will be about roleplaying in some way, shape or form. Let me get out of the way right up front that I don't have a posting schedule, and will not be commiting to one, but rather will post when something needs to be posted. Expect subjects ranging from essays to stories, from game design thoughts to actual play accounts, from quote collections to work frustrations. If it sparks something I think will be edifying or amusing, I think it'll end up here.

A tiny bit about me, to close out my opening:

-A Music Education major who was forced out of school due to money running out and an unwillingness to take on loans. Bright, bright decision there.

-Currently employed as a coffee-slinger and espresso-monkey.

-Avid reader, primarily of science fiction, fantasy, and pulp works, but with tastes that have ranged from Ceasar to Wolfe and anywhere in between.

-Avid strategy and role-playing gamer, starting with the old Avalon Hill wargames and a set of Little Brown Books, and going from there.

-Current hobbies: Reading, music performance and collection, tabletop and online roleplaying, fencing, weapons exhibition, sleep. Yes, sleep. It's well worth it.

-Past hobbies: Coin and stamp collecting, model trains, other model building, military history, archaeology, linguistic study (yes, as a hobby. I had a sad childhood in a way), cycling, and other things which I have since likely forgotten.

So, that's it. Hopefully this will spark something from my mind, and if not, it will languish, likely unseen!